Saving Lives Together
With a theme of “Towards Zero – A Fresh Approach”, this Conference was a multi-disciplinary event featuring representatives from all facets of road and transport safety including research, teaching, practice and policy.
The three-day conference included over 150 presentations including oral, poster, keynote and panel presentations, whilst an additional 15 symposium/workshop sessions contributed to this stand-out program. A rigorous peer-review process by the Conference Scientific Committee meant that delegates received the ‘best of the best’ papers including research outcomes, policing programs, methodologies, policies, practical programs.

2021 Speakers

Mr Martin Small
Australasian College of Road Safety

Dr Raphael Grzebieta
Transport & Road Safety Research Centre

Dr Soames Job
Global Road Safety Solutions

Ms Maria Fernanda Rodriguez
Fundacion Gonzalo Rodriguez

Ms Gabby O’Neill
Office of Road Safety

Ms Samantha Cockfield
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

Mr Michael Nieuwesteeg

Ms Carla Hoorweg
ANCAP Safety

Mr Paul Harrison
New Zealand Transport Agency

Mr Daniel Brain
Toll Group

Dr Nhan Trann
World Health Organisation

Assoc. Prof. Sharon Newnam

Mr Jerome Carslake
National Road Safety Partnership Program

Professor Paul Salmon
University of the Sunshine Coast

Dr Mike Lenné
Seeing Machines

Dr Brett Hughes

Dr Bud Zaouk
Kea Technologies and DADSS

Dr Marilyn Johnson
Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University

Ms Maree Bridger
ANCAP Safety

Hon Ben Carroll MP
Minister for Public Transport
Early Career Professionals Pre-Conference Event

Australasian College of Road Safety Awards
The ACRS Fellowship Award was presented to Peter Frazer.
The 3M-ACRS Diamond Road Safety Award was presented to Road Safety in Your Workplace, developed by Transport for NSW.
The ACRS Young Leaders Oration Award was presented to Dr Tana Tan.
ARSC 2021 Conference Awards
The Conference Awards were presented to:
Peter Vulcan Award for Best Research Submission Winner: Max Cameron, Monash University Accident Research Centre
For the submission Increasing the effectiveness of mobile speed cameras on rural roads in Victoria based on crash reductions from operations in Queensland.
Sponsored by Transurban.
Best Road Safety Practitioners Submission Winner: Roisin Sweeney
For the submission: Development of a truck driver public health project: mental and physical safety (MaPS) on our roads.
Sponsored by Transurban.
People’s Choice Poster Award Winner: Richard Cohen, Marissa Hor, Warren Taylor
For the poster submission: The next frontier: Road safety in the workplace.
Best New Researcher Submission Winner: Laura Mills, University of the Sunshine Coast
For the submission: Twelve years of roadside drug testing in Queensland: the extent and nature of recidivism.
Sponsored by Transurban.
Best Submission by a New Practitioner Award Winner: Jay Baththana
For the submission: Using community feedback to complement road safety risk metrics.
Sponsored by Transurban.
Conference Theme Submission Award Winner: Robbie Napper
For the submission: Design, the Law and Lego: an interdisciplinary approach to road safety.
Sponsored by Transurban.
Best Paper with Implications for Improving Workplace Road Safety Award Winner: Daniel Brain
For the submission: Consignors of import containers play a critical role in preventing heavy vehicle rollover, but they’re often unaware of their role.
Special mention: Roisin Sweeney, for the submission: Development of a truck driver public health project: mental and physical safety (MaPS) on our roads.
Sponsored by NRSPP.
Victoria Police Award Winner: Jenny Felsch
For the submission: Caravan Safety Awareness Project in northern NSW.
Sponsored by Victoria Police.
Tasmanian Road Safety Advisory Council Award Winner: Danilo Messias
For the submission: Developing a marketing strategy to increase Victorians’ vehicle safety awareness and influence purchase decisions.
Sponsored by the Tasmanian Road Safety Council (RSAC).
Best Road Safety Poster Award Winner: Fritha Argus, Main Roads WA
For the submission: Using road inventory data to produce AusRAP star ratings.
Sponsored by Transurban
Organising Committee
- Dr. Jeff Poter (NTC) – Co-Chair
- Mr. Chris Brennan – Co-Chair
- Mrs. Amy Roberts (PEC)
- Dr. Ashim Debnath (Deakin)
- Mr. Blair Turner (ARRB)
- Ms. Chris Harrison (RTSSV)
- Mr. Craig Hoey (State Growth)
- Mr. Darren Neagle (Transport for NSW)
- Mr. Michael Nieuwesteeg (Austroads)
- Ms. Dreena Lawrence-Gray (RoadSafe South East)
- Ms. Elle Lazar (RACV)
- A/Prof. Jeremy Woolley (CASR)
- Ms. Kathryn Collier (METEC)
- Ms. Kelly Imberger (DoT)
- Mr. Kenn Beer (Safe System Solutions)
- Ms. Mandi Mees (NTC)
- Dr. Marilyn Johnson (Monash)
- Prof. Raphael Grzebieta (UNSW)
- Dr. Ray Shuey
- Dr. Rebecca Brookland (Otago)
- Ms. Samantha Buckis (TAC)
- Mrs. Shanna Sheldrick (PEC)
- Ms. Sharon Newnam (Monash)
- Mr. Shaun Lennard (Shaun Lennard Consulting)
- Dr. Sjaan Koppel (MUARC)
- Mr. Paul Durdin (Abley)
- Dr. Ingrid Johnston (ACRS)
- Dr. Matthew Baldock (CASR)
- Mr. Martin Small (ACRS)
- Prof. Max Cameron (Monash)
- Dr. Tana Tan
- Ms. Wendy Taylor
- Ms. Zora Marko (ELAA)
Scientific Committee
- Dr. Marilyn Johnson (AGF & Monash) – Chair
- Prof. Raphael Grzebieta (Peer Review Manager)
- Mr. Christopher-Bree Nyko (TAC)
- Mr. Craig Hoey (State Growth)
- Ms. Maddie Lambert (TAC)
- Ms. Eve Mitsopoulos-Rubens (TAC)
- Dr. Shane Turner (Abley Ltd)
- Dr. Sjaan Koppel (MUARC)
- Ms. Samantha Buckis (TAC)
- Ms. Sharon Newnam (MUARC)
- Ms. Wendy Taylor
- Ms. Kelly Imberger (DoT)
- Dr. Ashim Debnath
- Mr. Paul Mihailidis (Trafficworks)
- Mr. Havez Alavi (Road Solutions)
- Mr. Peter Cairney (ARRB)
- Mr. Ben Beck (Monash)
Sponsorship Sub-Committee
- Mr John Thompson
- Ms Elle Lazar (RACV)
- Mr Shaun Lennard (SL Consulting) – Chair
International Sub-Committee
- Dr. Ray Shuey – Chair
- Dr. Lori Mooren (Safety and Communications Pty Ltd)
- Mr. Martin Small
- Ms. Chika Sakashita
- Dr. Judy Fleiter
- Dr. Ashim Debnath
- Dr. Mark King (CARRS-Q)
- Mr. Peter Cairney (ARRB)
- Dr. Tana Tan
- Ms. Victoria Pyta (DoT)
- Mr. Andrew Hardwick (Hard Edge)
Social Sub-Committee
- Ms Kathryn Collier (METEC) – Chair
- Ms Chris Harrison (RTSSV)
- Ms Eva Jaworski (TAC)
- Ms Samantha Buckis (TAC)
- Mr Shaun Lennard (SL Consulting)
- Ms Dreena Lawrence-Gray (RoadSafe South East)