Partnership Opportunities

Learn how you can partner with us.

A partnership with the Australasian Road Safety Conference has the power to create change and transform perspectives through the presentation of new ideas and initiatives to help reduce road trauma. We welcome the opportunity to partner with your organisation.

Why sponsor or exhibit?

Reducing road trauma is a priority for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and it is in the interests of both the economy and social wellbeing of Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the world. ARSC 2024 will play an important role in contributing to this target reduction from the many facets of interaction at the Conference.

Sponsoring or exhibiting at the conference will provide an excellent opportunity to promote your organisation and its role in reducing road trauma, support your brand(s) and to maintain a high profile within the industry before, during and after the event. It is an opportunity to showcase your leadership in the field.

An extensive promotional campaign is implemented in the lead up to the conference and the opportunity exists for your company to be represented as a key supporter, strategically placed before your market.  We welcome the opportunity to discuss your individual requirements.


Who will be there?

ARSC 2024 is expected to attract over 600 delegates including senior advisors, policy-makers, researchers, practitioners, law enforcement officers, senior managers, community leaders, and students working in the wide range of portfolios and industries who impact on improving road safety outcomes. This includes infrastructure construction and maintenance; behavioural science; education and training; emergency services; engineering and new technology; health and rehabilitation; police, justice and law enforcement; local, state and federal governments; communications; traffic management; and vehicle safety industries.

ARSC 2024 is the eighth conference since the merger of two prestigious events: the Australasian College of Road Safety Conference and the Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education (ARSRPE) Conference.

We anticipate the following delegate profile:

Delegate profile graph
Delegate sector of work graph

Your organisation will be strategically promoted as a key partner of this year’s premier Australasian Road Safety Conference to a vast market of potential delegates, related publications and associations, key government and corporate stakeholders, policy-makers, researchers, the media, and community representatives.


Further Information

For Sponsorship and Exhibiting enquiries, please contact:

Aidan Coates
ARSC 2024 Sponsorship & Exhibition Manager
Tel: +61 2 9213 4049