Key dates


Please ensure that you open the ‘+’ next to each question to explore the answers available. 

A: All submissions must be completed online through the 2025 ARSC submission portal. No emailed submissions will be accepted. Please refer to the templates for more information.

A: Yes. There are two templates depending on the format of your submission. You can access the template for an Extended Abstract or Interactive Workshop. Please note: all submissions will be screened before peer-review. Submissions that do not follow the correct template may be returned for revision or rejected without peer-review.

A: Authors will be notified in writing of the outcome of their submission once the official review process has been completed.

A: Yes, presenters are required to register and pay to attend the conference. To ensure the integrity of the program and guarantee the program will be as advertised once released, we require all presenters to register by 15 August 2025 and commit to attending the conference. Accepted submissions that do not have a registered presenter by 15 August 2025 will be removed from the concurrent program. Late registering authors will have the option to present a Poster Only.

A. Authors nominate their preferred presentation length. All Extended Abstracts are peer-reviewed by subject matter experts who provide a score for each submission. The Scientific Committee decides the final presentation length using the following process:

  • Poster only – all accepted submissions are included in the program
  • Poster with 3 minute presentation – all accepted submissions are included in the program
  • Author nominated 7 minute presentation: the highest scored submissions are included in the program. Depending on the number of submissions accepted, lower scored submissions may be offered a Poster only presentation
  • Author nominated 15 minute presentation: the highest scored submissions are included in the program. Depending on the number of submissions accepted, lower scored submissions may be offered a 7 minute or Poster Only presentation

A: A poster is the best way to showcase your road safety work across the entire conference. Oral presentations are great but it’s easy to miss a speaker among all the excellent presentations. With a poster, your work and your organisation are always on display in the poster gallery. Whether you design your own poster or collaborate with a graphic communication student at Monash Art, Design and Architecture (MADA), a poster is the perfect way to share your insights.

See posters designed for ARSC 2021 – 2024


  • After the Extended Abstracts are reviewed (end of May), all authors who submitted a Poster presentation will be invited to be part of the collaboration with MADA this includes:
    • Poster + 3 minute presentation
    • Poster only

The collaboration includes:

  • translation of your road safety work and findings into original poster artwork
  • opportunity for you to provide feedback on the design
  • the poster will be printed and hung at the conference venue
  • a digital version of the artwork that you are free to use post-conference
  • There is a limit of MADA collaboration poster per first author
  • Authors may refuse the offer and create their own poster

And it’s free:

  • The collaboration is supported by conference sponsorship
  • There is no cost to authors to participate, including printing and hanging the posters 
  • You may take the poster with you after the conference

See posters designed for ARSC 2021 – 2024

A: The 2025 ARSC is in-person only

A: Yes, each individual is limited to a maximum of two oral presentations for concurrent sessions. This includes Poster and 3 minute presentation, 7 minute presentation, 15 minute presentation and Interactive workshop formats.

Authors are welcome to make more than two submissions, however only the two highest scored submissions (by peer-reviewers) will be accepted for presentation. The author will then have the choice for the lower scored submissions to be included in the program as a Poster only or withdraw.

A: Yes, a co-author is permitted to present on behalf of the first author. However, the same limits apply to the co-author with regard to the maximum of two oral presentations across all ARSC formats. Further, if the first author is eligible for a conference prize, the co-author must meet the eligibility criteria to still be considered for the prize. For example, if the first author is eligible for the New Practitioner prize but is unable to present, the co-author must also meet that criteria for the submission to still be considered for the prize.

A: Please note the key dates as follows:

Submission deadline 14 March 2025 05:00pm AWST

Author notifications 31 May 2025

Registration deadline for accepted abstract presenters 15 August 2025